Additional Resources

If your node has the PoSe banned status or you are moving your node from one IP to another, you'll need to do the following steps.

Your masternode is banned if it has the POSE_BANNED status. You can unban your masternode by entering this command in your local wallet’s Debug Console:protx update_service proTxHash ipAndPort operatorKey operatorPayoutAddress feeSourceAddress


proTxHash: the proTxHash of your masternode. In the Masternodes tab on your local wallet, right-click on the banned node and choose 'Copy Protx hash'
ipAndPort: ipAndPort of banned masternode
operatorKey: znodeblsprivkey of the masternode, this is the key that you originally submitted.
operatorPayoutAddress: "" , if you set your operatorReward to 0 during registration
feeSourceAddress: an address in the local wallet that has NEOX to fund the transaction. Can be obtained with the listaddressbalances command

After running this command from your wallet, you should be able to then refresh your Dashboard. If the node status changes to "Ready" then you're good to go.

Viewing Node in Wallet

Please ensure the following setting is checked in your wallet. This will allow you to see the node in your wallet.

Settings -> Wallet -> Enable Coin Control and Smartnodes

Last updated